Yesterday I had an exceptional long gaming day. I went on a grinding spree and spend some 5 hours in Aakman. The result was a whopping 380 million in loot. This means around 76 million per hour which, for me, isn’t bad at all.

I also sold some gear from alt’s on the market place good for an income of 2 billion silver. With the silver I already saved up I was able to buy a TET basilisk belt for a bit over 4 billion silver. The net result of this is that I now have plus 3 AP. Three AP for 4 billion, damm, AP is getting more and more expensive. But my grand total now is 253 AP.

I still remember how I was struggling to reach 200 AP. That seemed to be a magic number that was so difficult to get too. Now I am pushing hard to reach 260 AP. Hopefully, if I can keep up playing the coming weeks, I can save up enough to buy a TET ogre ring by the end of 2019. This will give me another plus 5 AP. I guess that is my goal for the rest of 2019. Game, grind, save silver up to 7 to 8 billion and buy the ogre ring.

If I may dream big, I would love to get full PEN boss gear. I guess that is a long term plan. Next to reaching level 63, 64, … Yesterday I saw my name in the top 30 ranking for growth. My level 62 is still worth something, but more and more players are hitting that mark. But before growing my level again, I definitely need more AP. Those high geared places to get more XP are still out of my  reach. I could go there and grind in a party but hours of gameplay in a party is not my cup of tea.

So, the plan for the coming weeks. Grind, grind, grind, …. So whoever needs me, I’ll be behind my PC. If you want to see me, come to Aakman or just hang with me on discord. Real life will have to share me a bit with Black Desert Online if I want to reach my goal.